June 2023
Lifeguards are normally young adults/teenagers; in America today, these people are accustomed to get trophies, awards and money FOR NOTHING.
Biden has filled his administration with young people who are dedicated to the destruction of America, because some of the Founders owned slaves. Other than a violent civil war, Biden and all Democrats have learned that an easy way to destroy America is to convince people NOT to get a job. As we all know, when Covid restrictions ended, American business owners wanted to restart operations and production lines immediately; but to frustrate and/or bankrupt them, Biden opted to vastly increase the nation's debt by sending people bigger government checks than they have ever earned.....in order to stay at home and play video games. Thus many labor shortages exist, lifeguards included.
Who swims and who doesn't swim? Who uses the phrase "White privilege," and might these people be pleased when White People drown, as has occurred a few times recently due to lifeguard shortages?
When bad things occur in America, the Anarchists "celebrate" by looting and robbing businesses, followed by burning the businesses to the ground. In Germany during 1938, the ONE night of mass destruction was called "Kristallnacht." Ever since America's schools and universities have been dominated by Socialists/Anarchists, there have been many Kristalnachts all over the country...sometimes with the lame excuse as a victory in the sports world, especially college sports.
These violent and/or underhanded haters of America know they will have clear sailing as soon as the Second Amendment is either worthless or eliminated.