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Biden's Che wrongly paints Reagan as a Govt-loving Socialist, like they are...

Updated: Dec 1, 2023

Che Guevara was an important advisor to Cuba's Fidel Castro, as they were both highly regarded by socialists and communists throughout Central America and South America.

Obama-Biden and their Che is Miguel Cardona, Secretary of the Department of Education. This Department is a complete waste of tax dollars, which, along with other government bureacracies, Ronald Reagan was always critical, honest, and practical. Here is President Reagans's COMPLETE quote.....

"The nine most terrifying words in the English Languare are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help," proclaimed President Reagan, a dedicated Patriot and Capitalist.

Socialist Cardona decided to give a pep talk to a group of D.O.E. employees; so he deliberately misquoted Reagan so as to make it appear that Reagan approves of the their useless jobs. Here is what Miguel "Che" Cardona said: "As President Reagan said, we're from the government; we're here to help. There are resources there. There's technical assistance there. And there's a playbook that supports the work you are doing. Come with us as a partner in this. Our students are waiting." We are thankful that Che Cardona really doesn't have any students.

Che GUEVARA never claimed endorsements from, or affiliations with Richard Nixon, Henry Ford, or the Rockefellers. Bad enough to be a socialist, so why does Biden's socialist, Cardona, cause even more irritation by telling profound lies?

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