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Carlsbad Marine to "prided" city council, "please totally stop your sloppy flag salutes!"

On May 23, the Pride community had their flag on the city council agenda, and their flag was disapproved. Displaying Swastika-like zeal and devotion, they got their flag back on to the council agenda on June 13, this time with passage of their insulting and divisive flag.

On June 20, televised, the Carlsbad Marine recited a revised and needed version of the Pledge of Allegiance, to include: (1) "to the Flag of the United States of America, NOT TO THE PRIDE FLAG;" (2) "one nation under God, NOT under Pride;" (3) "with liberty and just for all, including Asian-Americans."

He stated that the 3-person Pride majority on the City Council is deliberately sloppy when they stand and recite the Flag Salute, and requested that this tradition should be immediately terminated.

"The Few. The PROUD. The Marines." An un-American movement has disrespectfully usurped the word that the Marines deserve.

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