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Graduate of M.I.T. excels as USMC Officer.....

Posted December 2023.

Patrick Tornes had a great year during 2023. He was promoted to the rank of Captain, AND earned his Wings as a Naval Aviator.

How did this happen? Great genetics and terrific parents.

When you were a teenager, what would your parents have said if you told them that you wanted to learn how to fly airplanes?

As we noted above, Patrick has terrific parents, so he learned how to fly before graduating from high school. Loved it instantly, and the rest is history.

Extremely intelligent people can usually do anything they want, but this does not always include learning how to become a fighter pilot, which ALSO requires physical strength, mental strength, physical dexterity, and extraordinary hand-eye coordination.

When Patrick attends future college reunions, we predict that most of his fellow alums will be green with envy; in fact, they ALL will be envious and jealous.

Congratulations to Patrick and his parents

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