Obama and Trump both have millions of enthusiastic fans and supporters; Biden does not.
To gain support, add to his "legacy," and maybe even win re-election, Biden is increasing the deficit AND inflation by printing cash just to give away to everybody in America, illegals included, with no strings attached.
The deficit now exceeds $30 trillion. Candidate-Businessman Ross Perot, in 1992, was extremely vocal about his upset and rage with the debt at (just) $3 trillion. How and when will it end? Worst case scenario is that Russia will again be a participant in the dividing of a nation into East and West, as what was done to Germany. But in a few years, we might be East America and West America, with China ruling over one territory; Russia over the other.
In the meantime, the Fed is rapidly increasing interesting rates to deal with the inflation that Biden is creating. This spiral is having a destructive effect on the stock market. Do you remember the "Occupy Wall Street" movement? Thanks to Biden and the Democrats, the occupiers are achieving their destructive goals without having to camp-out anywhere.