Ken is a brilliant person, who won many games and lots of money as a contestant. He was on their stage so much that he is now the host, still with a brilliant mind....and vocabulary.
Ken knows the definition of "they." It means "more than one person." Some contestants REQUIRE host Ken to refer to them as "they," instead of "he" or "she."
Ken gets paid a lot of money as host, so accedes to their wishes, which is unfortunate, because he either looks ignorant or spineless. Some people would resign rather than continue to cater to the people who dislike American traditions and values so much.....that they want to alter or destroy the language.
What else might the Woke mob be up to? When speaking of themselves, they say "us," instead of "me" and/or "I." Therefore, to continue to pervert America in as many ways as possible, especially with their in-progress election subterfuge, these haters will enter a voting precinct and demand "TWO ballots for US, please."
America needs a new group of "Resisters." When pro-business, pro-Work Ethic Donald Trump was elected in 2016, the young "Americans" made much use of the word "Resist," because they all wanted to resist getting jobs.
Decent people should likewise, today, RESIST using the new language of the America-hating woke mobs. They have already forced their flag and values into our lives and into the schools. They must be stopped. A combination of "1984" and Nazi Germany will be unpleasant, to say the least. Ken Jennings can become a hero, if he chooses to.