Posted 12-11-23. Calmly written, matter-of-fact quote above is from the 12-10-23 edition of the San Diego Uniont Tribune; front page, actually.
Shuttle service at Taxpayer Expense.
Reminds us of fictional Alien arrivals from another galaxy, who have historically always said, "Take me to your leader." Don't we all wish they were all taken to live at one of the many large houses owned by the Biden Crime to the White House, of course.
The worst Democrats of all-time planned this "successful" onslaught; JFK, FDR, etc NEVER would have done this. A "Coup of the Masses," for sure.
How could law-abiding citiizens "abide" and/or condone this?
Any chance that Hilary would call this "deplorable?" Or does she use that word only for Middle Class Americans who dislike big government, dislike big taxation, and dislike political correctness?
Hilary, the situation at the border is Deplorable. You won't admit it, because you and Biden view these Illegal Aliens as newly-registered Democrat voters.
Lawlessness Sucks; as does socialism.