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"Notice of Incomplete Renewal"

Updated: Oct 18, 2023

October 2023

Paid my wonderful annual car registration, California, on October 5 with credit card, online. Then passed the smog test on October 9. It's only a two-step process, and I was all done.

DMV mailed me an envelope, which I received on October 16. With that caption shown above, and a bunch of government word salad following, to include, of course, 'WE WILL IMPOUND THAT CAR!" (whenever we feel like it).

Such ineptitude. They know that it's upsetting to receive and read stuff like that, so there is value... for THEM!

Seems like I get something unpleasant from Government every week; ALL of the bastards included; city, county, state, federal.

"Them vs Us." Heck yeah. Some overthrowing is needed.

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