Thousands of dollars up-front to purchase the rooftop panels. The owners always hope to live long enough to recover their costs via lower monthly electric bills.
And plenty of people, worldwide, are screaming for "Action Now!" because the climate is becoming increasingly difficult/"bad." Suddenly, environmental concerns mean less to the Party of Jealousy-and-Anarchy (AKA Democrats)
that is ruling California.
Some of California's belligerent government bureaucrats, plus some of the elected Anarchists (AKA Democrats), have suddenly and arbitrarily decided to impose new monthly fees to this new group of electricity producers (AKA Middle Class Homeowners)... as if the Anarchists have any admiration or respect for these utility companies that are publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange, 'cuz they sure as heck don't.
For a cleaner planet, never elect Democrats. (duh!)