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The Inevitable Comparison between Joe Biden & Joe Stalin....

Updated: Oct 23, 2022

For the sake of younger and/or less educated Americans, Joseph Stalin was the Communist leader of the Soviet Union during World War II, plus a few years before and after. His rule was authoritarian, and conducted "business" like Putin.

Comparison One: Trials and imprisonment Comrade Joe's political enemies: Stalin's count was in the tens of thousands. Biden just getting started in October 2022 by having his in-Justice Department put Steve Bannon in prison for four months for Contempt of Congress, for which millions of everyday Americans could also be jailed for, myself included...because a large percentage of congress is trying to force America to become a socialist nation.

Also, Biden-loyalists in Congress issued a subpoena for President Trump to appear before Congress to explain his involvement with the patriots who took over "the people's house" for a few hours on January 6 2021, an event which we all knew was going to happen. Perhaps the lefties think that Trump should have gone into hiding, instead of being in town on that day.

Comparison Two: Plenty of deaths and wounded lifestyles, both Joes. Similar to Biden's hate of "Rich People and Corporations," Stalin had disrespect for his citizens that lived out in the hinterlands; he sent "agents" to those regions, who took all of their food and grain, causing mass starvation. Stalin said, "how was I to know that they wouldn't replant their crops?"

Similarly, Comrade Biden is bring death and/or pain to America in the following ways. He has opened up the border with Mexico because the new arrivals will, of course, soon be Registered Democrats and Welfare Enrollees. Biden has no concern or remorse about the thousands of American lives that have ended from the drugs crossing that border, especially fentanyl. "But we really need those votes!"

Finally, we are all paying for Comrade Biden's personal vendetta against US oil corporations. He could easily talk with operators of the oil fields in west Texas, but he chose to go to Saudi Arabia and grovel. And just as bad, possibly worse, the payment of large sums of money, via increased federal debt, to convince people not to go to work. "Wouldn't you rather just WAIT for a check, instead of WORK for a check? Now remember, vote for Democrats!" American business owners were devastated by Covid, and just when it looked like they could fully re-open, Biden convinced their employees to just stay home. Not even Joe Stalin told people not to go to work.

Soon, the Biden Bomb squad will dynamite some oil refineries in America. We hope that Articles of Impeachment will be written within 3 hours after these acts of Biden-lead sabotage.

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