2 November 2023 Some Jewish ladies were seated at a table within the 2d Avenue Deli, and they consented to be interviewed on live tv; anti-Semitism in general, and those in-the-neighborhood swastikas in particular.
The first mom to speak said that she is worried about her 4 kids walking to school with kippas on their heads, a very legitimate concern. The quick and easy suggestion is to have the kids wear baseball caps or nothing on their heads.
But in terms of security, the FBI Director warned ALL Americans within the past three days that there are already, HERE and now, hinting at Biden's millions of anonymous guests (once known as illegal aliens), plenty of people who want to kill Americans and destroy the country.
We believe that all parents should walk with, or drive, their kids to school...or at least to the bus. To be fully protected, the parents should carry concealed weapons. If this is too drastic for some parents (but how could reliable self-defense be drastic?), then home-schooling and/or online instruction are the only viable options.
Biden and his laughing, inept Girl Friday have made America an unsafe place for all of us to live (not just Jews). But, whoever it was who labeled Jews as "God's chosen people," only created bad problems. Easy to note that Reggie Jackson did not refer to himself as Mister October; came from a sarcastic teammate.