When Donald Trump was the president, the intelligence community alerted him that the Joe Biden family was "doing things" in Ukraine, but the intel people didn't know exactly what.
You have heard of Ukraine, right?
As president, Mister Trump could have ordered that the Bidens be followed, but Trump chose not to. The US president must always pay attention to significant Americans who could be undermining US interests all over the world. Instead of having the Bidens tailed, President Trump, in a phone call, simply asked the president of Ukraine if he knew what the Bidens were up to. President Zelensky said that he did not know.
We now know that the Bidens were, at a minimum, engaged in influence peddling for the sake of all family members to get money for nothing; a better gig than any Mafia family ever.
And just as bad, LtCol Alexander Vindman of the US (not Russian) Army was listening to that phone call, and unilaterally concluded that President Trump should not care about keeping America safe from Americans plotting bad things in/with other countries, which maybe the Bidens were doing. This attention-seeking louse of an officer ratted-out his Commander-in-Chief just because Trump was doing his job thoroughly, commonly referred to as "leaving no stone unturned."
Vindman should be court-martialed for blabbing state secrets. He does not deserve his very generous military retirement pay and benefits.