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When Elected People Speak Hate and/or flaunt elitism, Brutality/Exile often follows

Within his recent documentary about America's Response to the Holocaust as it was happening, Ken Burns made it clear that Hitler studied what White Americans did to the Native population; and that Hitler liked it, and then chose to copy that carnage via the US well as other Americans.

The Ruling Party of California has long ago decided that all Corporations are bad, especially oil corporations, having passed excessive taxes and regulations throughout the entire process of getting gasoline into our cars, which are also hated. We know that Hitler imposed "excessive taxation and regulations" against the Jewish citizens of Germany; and then worse things followed.

In a manner that reminds of us Hitler's anti-Jewish public speeches just prior to the onset of the Holocaust, Governor Newsom is currently publicly denouncing the US Corporation, Lyft, within TV and Radio ads concerning Prop 30. To summarize Newsom's Hitler-like message, "Hate those greedy bastards!" (contributors to this website like and appreciate Lyft, while publicly condemning Hair-Gel Newsom).

Similarly, this same horribly hateful governor is proclaiming "windfall profits tax" against the oil companies; this is a phrase designed to motivate all Americans to have Hitler-like hatred directed at the oil companies, who are not allowed to bring California the "dirty" gasoline from any other state. The high prices and the gasoline shortages in California have been created by Democrats who are deserving of all the scorn and hatred they are directing at the oil companies.

Certain Californians complying with Newsom-hate of American Corporations are the people encouraging "No Vote" on Prop 27 because "out-of-state Corporations are promoting it." Soon, there will be no American Corporations with any facilities in California because Nazi-Newsom and his minions make no attempt to hide or disguise their unbridled hate against these everyday Americans. Many terrific corporations have already sought war-like refuge in the other 49 states.

Finally, to make you hate your car even more, California Socialists, AKA Democrats, now are discussing how and where to eliminate parking lots and all other places where we park our cars "when we get there."

Democrat hatred of US corporations should be fully and loudly denounced in the same manner that SHOULD HAVE OCCURRED within 1930s and 40s Germany when the contrived enemy were the Jewish citizens. "Never Again!" Really? Sorry; it's back and in America.

A peaceful protest to all that the Newsom Socialists have done...and want to simply to never vote for a Democrat again.

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